Nowadays - understandably - most organizations dont' have a fully integrated and centralized view of their customer.The different Product, Marketing
and Sales departments work each with a isolated platform being difficult to build
a unified view of customer's preferences and take business
decisions based on realistic and global metrics.Implement a BI project it's also a big investment for the companies, in most of the cases it takes more than an year what delays the easy access to information that marketing teams
need.42% of marketing directors (Accenture) agree that technology is
isolated between different departments what turns too difficult to use it and
create consistent multi-channel customer experiences.The key is to find a platform that brings together information from
different teams and enable them to understand what is working, how the
customer interacts with them and what changes need to be done to optimize company results.Loyty is a platform capable to integrate and centralized information from different marketing softwares, building in real-time an unified and centralized client vision.
We share here three ideals that we believe being fundamental to create a client lifetime relationship:
- Your organization should focus on customer needs;
- Marketers should have an integrated view of customer interactions into different channels of the company (eg in store or with the support team);
- Marketers
must be able to customize communications, based on the transactional
and behavioral client profile, since his first interaction.